♥ g o s s i p ♥

c l i c k


My photo
♥A girl born on 16th of October. ♥Love talking ♥Love sleeping ♥Love playing ♥Love watching any movie ♥Love music ♥Love J ♥Love my all laopos ♥Love freedom ♥Come and be a friend with me,then you will know how am I.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

zap bah lang

my holidays sudah habis
it is the time to study hard
today received schedule of trial exam
omg. it just leave three weeks only
and H1N1 more and more serious
my school, junior middle one (LI) have to isolate again, start on tomorrow
cause the class almost 30++ students get fever
really serious, right?
even exaggerate lor

last saturday went to cinema watched "On His Majesty's Secret Service@大內密探靈靈狗"
with my man.
we were sit at 4th row. it was near with the screen lar.
but the movie have a lot of fun for me,make me keep laughing!
haha XD

omg. my classmate "lady gaga" mukanya betul sangat tebal
tak boleh tahan her action. assume assume assume...

this few days feel tired
keep cough and snuffle


  1. take care a u..
    gambatehh study worr exam's cuming..

  2. ya. thanks for caring.
    u too yar. muacks. ><
